Celebrate your love with our breathtaking Dozen Red Rose Bouquet. This stunning bouquet is a true delight to receive, and is the perfect way to let your special someone know just how much you love them.
The bouquet features 12 long-stemmed red roses, carefully handpicked and arranged in a greenery-filled base.
It is ready to be placed in a vase, or you can add on a vase to your order for added convenience.
With its vibrant red color, this bouquet screams "I love you" and is perfect for any romantic occasion.
Add on some champagne, a candle, or some chocolates to make it an even more special and unforgettable gift. Order this Dozen Red Rose Bouquet today starting from $149.95 and make your loved one's day even more memorable.
Suitable for any occasion where you want to express your love, this bouquet is sure to bring joy and happiness to your special someone's life. Choose the perfect way to say "I love you" and order our Dozen Red Rose Bouquet today.
Substitution Policy: While every effort is made to ensure the product and colour selected will be used, circumstances may arise due to seasonal availability where containers and flower colours and varieties may be substituted with that of the same or higher value and suitability. If the contents vary dramatically the customer will be notified for permission to substitute.