Introducing our stunning Rose and Lilly Bouquet, the perfect gift for any occasion. Made with 10 long stem red roses, scented lilies, and assorted greenery, this bouquet is a symphony of beautiful colors and scents. Expertly crafted and delicately arranged by our local florists in Melbourne, this bouquet is sure to make a lasting impression. Each stem of our red roses exudes elegance and romance, while the white oriental lilies add a touch of sophistication. The fresh greenery adds a natural element, creating a balanced and visually stunning arrangement.
This bouquet is beautifully gift-wrapped and ready for delivery to your loved one in Melbourne. With its classic design and charming presentation, it is the perfect way to show your affection and appreciation. Not only does this bouquet make a beautiful statement, but it also comes with a price that won't break the bank. Starting at just $174.95, it is a thoughtful and affordable gift option for any occasion.
Our Rose and Lilly Bouquet is suitable for a range of occasions, from birthdays and anniversaries to Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. Whoever receives this bouquet will feel cherished and loved, making it the ultimate gift. Order now and let our Rose and Lilly Bouquet make your loved one's day a little brighter. Trust in the quality and expertise of your local florist to deliver a stunning and heartfelt gift that will leave a lasting impression.