Romantic and luxurious Indulge in the ultimate expression of love with our Red Rose Deluxe Bouquet.
This stunning arrangement features 12 long-stemmed red roses wrapped in lush greenery and nestled among delicate palm leaves.
Each rose is carefully selected for its beauty and arranged by our expert florists to create a breathtaking ensemble that is sure to impress. Perfect for any occasion, this bouquet is the ideal way to show your affection and make a lasting impression on your loved one.
Not only is this bouquet visually captivating, but it also exudes a romantic and luxurious feel. The vibrant red roses symbolize love and passion, making it the perfect gift for Valentine's Day or to simply say "I love you." The luscious greenery adds a touch of freshness and elegance, while the palm leaves provide a unique and stylish wrapping. Your recipient will be amazed by this beautiful and thoughtful arrangement.
Conveniently gift-wrapped and ready to send by our talented florists in Melbourne, you can surprise your special someone with this Red Rose Deluxe Bouquet without any hassle. It's the perfect way to make them feel loved and appreciated. Available in different color options, this bouquet can also be tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether it's to express your undying love or to impress that special someone, our Red Rose Deluxe Bouquet is guaranteed to make a lasting impression.
Don't wait any longer, order now and give the gift of love and beauty to your loved one. Starting from just $175, this bouquet is worth every penny.
Substitution Policy: While every effort is made to ensure the product and colour selected will be used, circumstances may arise due to seasonal availability where containers and flower colours and varieties may be substituted with that of the same or higher value and suitability. If the contents vary dramatically the customer will be notified for permission to substitute.